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Ministry Teams

Grace has several active ministry teams. Most meet monthly. 

These include:

The Worship and Music team provides the organization for our worship services.  Our activities include altar guild, choir, altar flowers, Sunday morning bulletins, ushers, greeters, lectors, acolytes, communion assistants, and use of the church nursery.  We also coordinate the decorating of the church for Christmas and Easter Seasons.  Our team meets at Grace monthly on the second Tuesday of each month.  Members: Kay Stone, Kathy Stawasz, Barb Hess, Emily and Rich Woltmann, Cathy Farrell, Pastor Raabe.

The Giving In Service Team provides the congregation with projects to help people outside of our congregation in need of our care and resources.  We currently have six projects throughout the year that give aid to various organizations.  Our team meets four times a year (February, May, August and November).  Members: Kay Stone, Carol MacDonald, Diane Ball, Mary Jane Moyer, Jean Shaffer, Cathy Farrell, Barbara Watts, Kay Deussing.

The Property Team works to maintain, repair and improve Grace’s physical plant including the sanctuary, educational space and the two  residential properties that we own.   Additionally, the Team is responsible for care of Grace furnishings.  Supervision of everyday cleaning and outside landscaping and winter maintenance are part of the team’s area of work.  The team meets monthly on the second Tuesday. Members: Frank Stone, Jeff Krout, Barry Moyer, Bruce Schmidt, Bob Reilly, Paul MacDonald.

The Finance team is responsible for the church’s day to day funds and provides oversight to the Treasurer. The team coordinates with all of the other committees and teams to prepare the annual budget and monitors the actual results in comparison to that budget. The Finance Team also makes recommendations to Council regarding allocation of funds to various expenses, savings accounts and investments. Members: Bob Smyrl, John Weierman, Bob Reilly, Tami Sarm, Tom Salter.

Our choir sings for worship throughout the Fall into the Spring months each year. The group prepares hymns, responses and anthems for worship.  For more information, please contact our Office Administrator Lynn Fasick. 

This team works together to support vulnerable congregation members and those who cannot attend regularly and keep them connected to the Grace community.  Our mission is to care for Grace’s members with Christian love during life’s challenging times. Members:  Carol MacDonald, Lisa Boyer, Kay Deussing, Ashley Plawa, Jean Shaffer, Kay Stone, Crystal Tula, Barb Watts, Sue Wieland, Emily Woltmann, Fay Younger, Tami Sarm. Meets bi-monthly.

WELCA (Women of the ELCA)
This group meets every month from September to June to send cards to homebound members for birthdays and special occasions. They also help with an annual Christmas project and other initiatives that benefit our members and the community. Members: Barb Watts, Kay Deussing, Mary Jane Moyer, Lisa Boyer, Joyce Salter, Sue Price, Sue Rowbottom

SUNDAY SCHOOL meets weekly on Sunday at 9:15 a.m. during the school year to provide interactive lessons and small group exploration of faith with the youth of Grace ages kindergarten – 8th grade. Leader: Annette Dittman.

This group provides support for Grace’s livestream operations and related equipment, the sound systems in the sanctuary and fellowship hall, projectors, and audio/visual support for special events such as the Hatfield Community Christmas, outdoor services and other events.  Members: Harold Schaefer, Dan Sarm, Tami Sarm, Jeff Krout, Ken Seiler, Rich Woltmann, Jayson Tula.

This team meets monthly or as needed to discuss issues regarding internal communications with the congregation (newsletter, Grace Notes, and email notices) and external communications with the community (the website, social media, live stream worship).  Members: Laura Slugg, Harold Schaefer, Crystal Tula, Jayson Tula.

This group provides opportunities for Grace and its members to reach out to the community through activities and events in order to spread God’s word and encourage and welcome new members. Major activities include the Hatfield Community Christmas. Members: Peggy Schmidt, Tami Sarm, Barb Watts, Kay Deussing.

This team encourages and educates the congregation in giving their time, talents and treasures to Grace. They focus on a themed “pledge party” each fall with related activities and oversee the annual offering envelope orders and the Grateful Grace effort. Members: Ken Seiler, Jaime Snyder, Wendy Walter, Pastor Raabe.

Each Sunday, coffee is served along with some baked goods and prepacked snacks. Volunteers set up coffee hour before the 8 am service (9:15 am for our summer schedule) and volunteers clean up at the end of coffee hour.  Volunteers also provide the baked goods.  No team meetings. Kay Stone schedules the volunteers and checks the supplies each month. 

This group receives urgent prayer requests by email from Pastor Raabe and prays on their own time. Please let Pastor know if you’d like to be included. Members: Mary Jane Moyer, Laura Kratz, Jean Shaffer, Lou Farrell, Cathy Farrell, Crystal Tula, Fay Younger, Carol MacDonald.

This group cares for the church paraments, communion elements and preparation, and other items relating to worship. Members: 8 a.m., Janice Swartz, June Detweiler, Wendy Walter, Laura Kratz, Diane Ball; 10:30 a.m., Emily Woltmann, Mary Jane Moyer, Barbara Hess, Kay Stone, Tami Sarm, Sue Wieland.

Stepping Stones Nursery School and Day Care Center is an outreach arm of Grace Lutheran Church. The committee advises concerning school operations and acts as a liaison to the church. Members: Jess Moran, Jean DelMuto, Beth Krout, Tom Salter, Karen Seiler, Laura Kratz

Church Nursery – Kathy Stawasz

Flower Delivery – Kathy Stawasz

Worship servers – Kathy Stawasz

Ushers – Kay Stone

Christ has no body now on earth but yours….  (Prayer of St. Teresa)