Are you looking for fun and relaxing ways to get more involved in life at Grace? Check out these volunteer opportunities:
Help maintain our bulletin boards. Maybe you are retired teacher with bulletin board expertise, or an artist who loves to create beautiful things and share useful information. We have one board in the atrium and one in the narthex that could benefit from your attention. All requested supplies will be provided.
Organize our area of the basement and discover treasures that we didn’t even know we had. This happened recently when we uncovered several large percussion instruments that we can use in worship – who knew? We will show you what areas need better organization and attention.
Help with church mailings. We have a small team of two (sometimes just one) doing this, so they can really use some extra hands.
Sort Food at Emmanuel ECC Food Cupboard. A few blocks away on Lincoln Ave. is one of the two Hatfield Food Cupboard. Other than food distributions, there are lots of other tasks to be done. Sorting donations, Checking expiration dates and picking up donations to name a few. Reach out to Janet Hague for more information.
Update the outside signs. Pastor will decide on the content. Volunteers wanted to organize the letters and make the sign updates.
Worship Tech Assistant. Each Sunday a team of people are needed to run the live stream of our worship service. If you want want to learn more about this process, we can teach you. It’s nice to have several people who can rotate this responsibility.
Bread Drop Driver. Every Tuesday Grace is responsible for moving the Bread Drop PB&J’s collected to Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Sounderton for distribution. Pick up at 11am at Grace and Drop Off at Emmanuel 11:15am – 11:30am.
Blood Drive Organizer. Our facilities are a perfect place to host a blood drive. We need someone to take the lead on planning.
Contact Pastor Raabe if you’re interested in any of these.