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To Glorify God | To Grow in Faith | To Give in Service | Together in Christ

Grace Lutheran Church
Hatfield, PA
Pastor Nancy M. Raabe

Youth & Confirmation

Youth Group – Plans for 2024-2025

Youth will meet once a month on a Sunday after church. Most months we will plan on the second Sunday, although there will be some exceptions.  Our meetings will consist of lunch, a devotion, service project, and a fun activity.

Questions: Annette Dittman

Sunday 9/15

Emmanuel Church in Souderton to help pack personal hygiene kits. 

We will start with Pizza at Grace before going and after we are done we will walk to Downtown Scoop in Souderton for ice cream.


Sunday 10/13

Crop Walk. 

Save the Date. More details to follow.


Sunday 11/10

Gifts for homebound members

We will create pumpkin flower arrangements for Grace’s homebound members. The fun activity for that day has not been established yet so if anyone has ideas please let me know.

Sunday 12/7

Hatfield Christmas Tree Lighting. 

Save the date. More details to follow



A two-year confirmation program led by Pastor Raabe is offered for youth in grades 6-8 at Grace. Students are invited to participate in a program of learning, reflection, congregational participation and service with other members of the congregation and the wider church. 

Confirmation meets this year on second and fourth Sundays at 9:15 a.m., during the Sunday School hour. This year’s focus is on “Lutheran Living,” Unit 4 in the Sparkhouse series from 1517 Media. Topics include justification by faith, law and gospel, the freedom of a Christian, the neighbor, grace, vocation, worship, the devil and doubt. The format is lively discussion. What do these words mean to us today and how are they part of faithful Lutheran living?

Youth are also encouraged to worship regularly and participate in Sunday morning worship leadership roles including lector, crucifer, and acolyte. Upon completion of the program, youth will affirm their baptism by the Rite of Confirmation on Reformation Sunday.