Give Now
Growing in Faith
Your gifts enable us to do God’s work in the world as the body of Christ — in worship, in prayer, in community, in service. We simply cannot do it without you! We appreciate your participation on our electronic giving program as a way to ensure that Grace’s ministries continue to be well supported. Please scroll down to the options below to select our General, Building, or Music Fund. It is well attested that “joyful people will be generous people, and generous people will be joyful people” (Milo Kauffman, Stewards of God).
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

Electronic Giving Made Easy
We are delighted to be able to offer a variety of options for electronic giving through Vanco Payment Solutions, with whom we (along with thousands of other churches) have been working for many years. As one of our Giving to God team members recently said, “Wouldn’t it be fun if, when you really enjoyed a service, you could just pull out your phone and make a gift?” Well, now you can! Giving by text message is just one of the exciting ways you can help to support Grace in whatever way is easiest and most enjoyable.
- We continue to offer direct-deposit giving, in which your gifts are routed directly from your account into ours. If you are not already enrolled and want to be, forms are on the ledge in the narthex; seal them in an envelope and leave in the office or in the Treasurer’s mailbox. Please note that this form can now accommodate credit cards – a good option for those who want to give by credit card but do not have a computer or mobile device. Download the form here: Giving Authorization Form
- On a computer or laptop, sign on for giving by credit card by going to the Give page of our web site. Or give using your mobile device by downloading the free Vanco Mobile app from the App Store or Google Play; search for “Grace Lutheran Hatfield” and follow the instructions.
- Or you may give by text message simply by texting the amount to our designated number: 844-613-0815. Save this number in your phone as a new contact, and once you’re signed up, just call up the contact, put number in the message line and press Send. It’s as easy as that!